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Clinical Trials

Explore Health Providers, Investigators, and Key Opinion Leaders involved in Clinical Trials.

Our Healthcare Provider Profiles include clinical trials from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) database.

Healthcare Provider Profiles are identified as the Study Chair, Study Director, Study Principal Investigator, Site Principal Investigator, or Site Sub Investigator in the health provider’s profile.

In addition, the clinical trial NCT ID, Official Title, Conditions, Phase, Status, Keywords, and Intervention are included, with a link to the Clinical Trial on

You can click to open the clinical trial on the website.

In addition, you can click on other investigators for the clinical trial to view their profiles.

The data is updated daily in the Health Provider DB.

About the NLM is a clinical trial database established by the National Institute of Health (NIH) as a central resource to provide current information on clinical trials to members of the public and healthcare providers. results from a federal law requiring the registration of clinical trials. The law aims to improve public access to information about clinical research, promote public trust in research, and inform future research. is run by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the NIH. It is the largest clinical trials database and has privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted worldwide.

  • relies on sponsors or investigators to submit and update study information.
  • lists up-to-date information on clinical research studies and their results, adding new studies almost daily.
  • includes studies in all 50 states and over 200 countries.
  • supports laws, regulations, and policies requiring sponsors and investigators to publicly share information about clinical trials, including results.

PubMed is another resource managed by the National Library of Medicine. A trial with an NCT identification number registered in can be linked to a journal article with a PubMed identification number (PMID). 

A 2013 study analyzing 8907 interventional trials registered in found that 23.2% had abstract-linked result articles, and 7.3% had registry-linked articles. 2.7% of trials had both types of links. Most trials are linked to a single result article (76.4%). The study also found that 72.2% of trials had no formal linked result article.

Clinical Trial Data Collected

The Health Providers DB includes the following details from the Clinical Trials database. Links to the Clinical Trial data are provided for reference and research.

Field NameClinical Trials Module
NCT IDprotocolSection.identificationModule.nctId
Brief TitleTells you the purpose of the study and how it will work.

Official TitleThe title given to the study by the researchers is often written in scientific language.

ConditionsThe focus of the study is usually a disease, illness, or condition, but it may also be another health-related issue.

PhasesThe stage of the study is based on definitions from the U.S. FDA.

Official AffiliationprotocolSection.contactsLocationsModule.overallOfficials.affiliation
Official NameprotocolSection.contactsLocationsModule.overallOfficials.role

Study Chair
Study Director
Study Principal Investigator
Investigator NameprotocolSection.sponsorCollaboratorsModule.responsibleParty.investigatorFullNam
Investigator AffiliationprotocolSection.sponsorCollaboratorsModule.responsibleParty.investigatorAffiliation
Investigator RoleprotocolSection.sponsorCollaboratorsModule.responsibleParty.role

Site Principal Investigator
Site Sub-Investigator
KeywordsHelps potential participants and other interested parties find the study.
InterventionsThe treatment, device, or procedure that’s being studied.