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HIPAA Administrative Simplification Regulations Overview

More than twenty years ago, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). One of HIPAA’s five provisions—Administrative Simplification—mandated that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) adopt standards to streamline communications between health care providers and health plans. Administrative simplification requirements govern how providers, health plans, and clearinghouses handle electronic and administrative transactions and set privacy and security standards for transmitting health information. This is done by developing and enforcing regulations that adopt standards, operating rules, unique identifiers, and code sets that these types of individuals and organizations, known as HIPAA-covered entities, are requiredLearn MoreHIPAA Administrative Simplification Regulations Overview

Comparing the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule

The Privacy Rule 45 CFR Part 164 Subpart E sets the standards for using and disclosing protected health information (PHI). In contrast, the Security Rule 45 CFR Part 164 Subpart C explicitly sets the Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI). Electronic vs. oral and paper It is important to note that the Privacy Rule applies to all forms of patients’ protected health information, whether electronic, written, or oral. In contrast, the Security Rule covers only protected health information in electronic form (ePHI), including ePHI created, received, maintained, or transmitted electronically. The Security Rule sets theLearn MoreComparing the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule


Free HIPAA Knowledge Quiz

This HIPAA Knowledge Questionnaire is Free and does not require an Email. You can take it as often as you like. This questionnaire will test your general knowledge of HIPAA laws, containing eighty True/False and Multiple-choice questions covering the Security Rule, Privacy Rule, workplace behavior, cybersecurity, and breach notifications. The correct answer for each question that was answered incorrectly is shown to help you learn the HIPAA laws as you go.


Free PHI Disclosure Decision Tool

This Protected Health Information (PHI) Disclosure Decision Questionnaire is Free and does not require an Email to use. You can use it as often as you like. It follows the decision tool Health and Human Services (HHS) developed and is more user-friendly than clicking through the interactive PDF document. The questionnaire will help you understand how the Privacy Rule applies from the standpoint of the source of the health information. Protected health information (PHI) is any information that can be used to identify a person and is related to their health, including: The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal healthLearn MoreFree PHI Disclosure Decision Tool


Free Covered Entity Decision Tool

This Covered Entity Decision Questionnaire is Free and does not require an Email to use. You can use it as often as you like. The questionnaire will help you determine whether an organization or individual is a covered entity under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed a Covered Entity Decision Tool as an interactive PDF document. This questionnaire follows the documented process flow but is more user-friendly. What is a Covered Entity? Individuals and organizations that must comply with HIPAA are called Covered Entities, which include Health Plans, Clearinghouses,Learn MoreFree Covered Entity Decision Tool

How to File a HIPAA Complaint

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) enforces HIPAA Administrative Simplification Requirements on behalf of Health and Human Services (HHS). The CMS enforcement activities include investigating complaints about potential noncompliance. Anyone can file a complaint against a HIPAA-covered entity. Overview of ASETT The Administrative Simplification Enforcement and Testing Tool (ASETT) is a free online tool operated by the CMS National Standards Group (NSG). One of the tool’s key capabilities is allowing users to file a complaint alleging that a HIPAA-covered entity, directly or through a business associate acting on its behalf, is noncompliant with Administrative Simplification requirements related toLearn MoreHow to File a HIPAA Complaint