Last updated: January 1, 2025
All information on the Health Providers DB Website is for informational purposes only.
Health Providers DB does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor do we verify or endorse any specific data, business, or professional listed on the site.
As explained in more detail in Health Providers DB Terms of Use, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional if you have questions or concerns about your health, treatment, diagnosis, or the content on this Website. Nothing stated or posted on the Website is intended to be the practice of medicine.
Content provided by Health Providers DB comes from various publicly available State and Federal government databases and various Healthcare and Social Media websites. Including but not limited to:
✅ NPPES NPI Registry
✅ CMS Doctors & Clinicians Provider Data Catalog
✅ CMS MIPS Performance Scores
✅ CMS Open Payments
✅ HHS-OIG LEIE Exclusion List
✅ GSA-SAM Exclusion List
✅ 43 State Medicaid Exclusion Lists
✅ NLM studies
✅ NLM PubMed Articles
✅ FDA Clinical Investigators Disqualification Proceedings
✅ FDA Debarment List
The information is provided “as-is” per the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice covering disclosable healthcare provider data under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the e-FOIA amendments.
There is no way to ‘opt out’ or ‘suppress’ the NPPES record data for healthcare providers with active NPIs.
Health Providers DB does not verify the accuracy or efficacy of user-generated content, reviews, ratings, or any published content on the site.
Any doctor or provider who claims their profile by verifying themselves can update their information and provide additional data on their specialties, education, accepted insurances, conditions they treat, and procedures they perform.
We value your input and encourage you to contact our support team if you encounter any issues.