Search over eight million Healthcare Provider profiles with data aggregated and updated regularly from multiple state and federal data sources, including:
✅ NPPES NPI Registry
✅ CMS Doctors & Clinicians Provider Data Catalog
✅ CMS MIPS Performance Scores
✅ CMS Open Payments
✅ HHS-OIG LEIE Exclusion List
✅ GSA-SAM Exclusion List
✅ 43 State Medicaid Exclusion Lists
✅ NLM studies
✅ NLM PubMed Articles
✅ FDA Clinical Investigators Disqualification Proceedings
✅ FDA Debarment List
Search for health providers by NPI number, provider first and last name, entity name, address, city, state, and zip code—also find profiles by PubMed publication Keywords and chemical names and by Clinical Trial keywords and Drugs.